Friday, May 27, 2011


Today I had the morning off.
Today I took the metro downtown.
Today I had to verify with strangers that I was getting on the right train.
Today I smiled at people even though it goes against city etiquette.
Today I shared a private joke with a man on the subway as a little kid bounced around between us on every train-lurch.
Today I remembered good things happen when you acknowledge with your ignorance/need/smile that we all do need each other once in a while, or all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Now we have the "Rach's adventures in LA" or would it be "Tales of Rach in LA"? :D
    Hey Rach I've found your new blog when you wrote the first post here. And it's just because I keep on going into Pau Brazil's page to see if there's something new! By the way, I'm enjoying your posts about what you've been coming across in LA.

    I should say, you write very well. There's no single post in which I already know all the words you wrote (maybe you read quite a lot) :)!

    Anyway, I just came here to say hello, I hope you're enjoying your stay in Los Angeles. Have a nice weekend and take care!

    God bless you :)!
